Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yummy citrus salad

Well I was going to write about something else tonight, but I got blown away by my own wonderful dinner creation that I thought it more important to report this!

Well lets begin with the dressing... place the following in a jar, tighten the lid and shake whilst dancing around the room to your favourite tune:

E.V. Olive oil
Lemon Juice
a splash of orange juice
a dash of salt
sprinkling of pepper
a fair amount of parsley flakes
a large tablespoon of good Dijon Mustard

This was served over romaine lettuce, celery, thinly sliced red onion, strawberries, kum kwats, walnuts and I had an avocado whilst Danny had salmon smeared with homemade pesto and baked wrapped in tin foil.  We also had a delicious parsnip carrot slaw with our salad, the idea for which came from Group Recipes but I added Rice Vinegar and used honey instead of sugar.  I didnt measure anything, as is my way, and just poured juice over it until the veggies had soaked it all up.  Should I make it again, I would add grated fresh ginger, as I just cant seem to get enough ginger into my diet!  And if you are wondering how I grated 3 parsnips and 3 carrots in a snip, it was thanks to my handy dandy new food processor which I love and was worth every penny!  Im just itching to make a carrot cake now that I dont have to stand there for hours grating carrots... maybe this weekend! mmmmm cream cheese frosting, I can just taste it in my mouth already!

No, I did not manage to eat the entire plate, but the lemon in the dressing should keep everything good 'til lunch tomorrow.

Well, it was my goal to go to bed by 9pm tonight to combat this exhaustion that is plaguing me... however it is now just past 10pm and I am not yet in bed.  Fingers crossed Ill be there soon!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Cutest Baby Blanket

My new nephew Jayden Strickland came into this world at 1145am, Sunday March 22nd 2009; weighing in at 6 lbs 7oz and an extraordinary 20 inches. He looked like a little alien, as Im sure all new borns do.

I made him this blanket...

Pattern can be found here.

As a complete aside, awesome ride today, just to Clear Creek and back but the wind was strong and forced me to ride hard the whole way home!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tulip Mania!

So... more garden pictures!

This is what I wake up to every morning! I cunningly planted these bulbs under my bedroom window and they are so bright and beautiful that I dont even need to put my glasses on to see them in the mornings!

I love tulips so much! It makes me a little sad that they are mostly annuals here in Mississippi but its also kinda good because I get to change out the colours every year!


Spring Garden

I was awfully sad this spring because we were in Portland, OR for six weeks across prime daffodil time... my favourite time of the year in my (often bland) woodland garden.  However Danny had lied to me when he had said that all of the daffodils that I so diligently moved in October had already bloomed and passed... I found this out as he drove me home from the lab after my four day journey across the country to see the edge of my driveway lined with bright, sunny, beautiful daffs.  Then he walked me round back to see the best show my Camellia has ever produced! So I share my returning home photographs with you!


New beginnings

Ok folks, so Im going to try and start a blog. It might not be interesting... but so much goes on in my life that I would like to share with you people across the world that I forget to email or call you about, that I thought a blog might be the way to go.  We shall see how long I manage to keep it up, or even if you guys check it to see what's going on in my life, but here we go... be aware that I have been thinking about this for some time now, so there is quite a back-log of stuff that I have to share!