Thursday, March 29, 2012

Seattle revisited

Rosie didnt ever sleep 'til 7am again, but for the most part she wakes up around 5-530am which allows me plenty of great sleep! I still 'wear' her all day, but today I managed to lay her on the bed for a 3 hour nap, allowing me time to do a bunch of things!

Loving life today!!!

In the airport - We lost count of the number of times Henry yelled 'airplane' at the toop of his voice!

We left 80F, blue skies and sunshine for this!?

Childrens museum got us out of the cold

Bath time is so much easier now that they bathe together!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Someone please pinch me!

I nursed Rosie at 9pm last night. She seemed a little uncomfortable so I put some vicks on her blanket and got her down in her bed by 1o pm. She woke up during the night but never made a peep. She started making a fuss at 7am. Let me remind you that she is 6 weeks old and she just slept all night long! Let's see what tonight brings...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Seattle Aquarium

Yesterday was less than a successful day. H is tired, fed up being cold, teething with that last canine, bordering on getting a cold and wants to go home I suspect. We tried to go to a park to play but it was the worst park on record. So if you are ever in Seattle, WA dont bother with the Olympic Sculpture Park. Terrible. We sat and threw rocks into the Sound, which was good for a while but then H stood up and announced "Done, Mummy". Ok then. We went to Macrina for lunch and it was fantastic and he behaved wonderfully, until we went to the bathroom to change everyone's diaper. He had a fit and Rosie had once again leaked all over the place. ick. We came back to the room and he took a 2.5 hour nap and Rosie and I had a little sleep ourselves! Dinner was a disaster despite actually finding somewhere to get Bangers and Mash (sausages and potatoes) with extra peas for H. He ate nothing, as has been the theme of this trip.

Today we ventured into the Seattle Aquarium and despite being the tiniest aquarium I have ever seen, it was a huge hit with my little man. Not one tantrum! Shocking. We sat and had snacks/lunch in the over head fish tank and he generally had a thoroughly wonderful time! He is currently napping and Rosie and I are having tickle fights, though admittedly they are a little one-sided! She has no defense!

Nap time...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spontaneity is not my thing!

Right now...

I know my posts are few and far between, but its pretty time consuming having two kids and I can't seem to get decent pictures and I don't want to post without photos for you.

Danny came home for lunch Monday, or maybe it was Tuesday, and asked me if I wanted to go to Seattle - Friday! I really dont deal well with spontaneous suggestions but there is no point of having the freedom of a stay at home mum and not taking advantage of the perks of a job that means you hardly ever get to see your husband and are a single parent more than you are a family. So yes, we are in Seattle; air miles, Marriott points and a little bit of spending money. Unfortunately we left the best weather you can imagine (80F, glorious sunshine) for snow, wind, rain and upper 30sF, but we spent the weekend together! Danny is working now and we are in the hotel room taking naps; ahhhhhh peace and quiet!

As usual I am behind on photos, Seattle fun photos to come, but below are some of the kids from last week (I dont get many of Rosie because she lives her life attached to me right now - thank goodness for baby-wearing!).

Jogging on the bike path. Got 20lbs to lose! Me, not Henry!

Henry just discovered these gloves - it was 80F+ out!

Henry thinks he needs to play with Rosie whenever she uses the jungle gym. She is awake more and more each day and she is such a happy little person.

Yes, he is wearing his beany in 80F weather.
Look, there are some battles that are just not worth fighting!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank you Nanny

My mum, whose alias is Nanny, left this afternoon. She was a fantastic help; who knows how I will cope with two kids on my own tomorrow! Let's see if I make it out the house in the morning!

Thanks Mum.

The journey home from the airport was the scariest drive ever. I drove through an incredible storm, with two kids in the back seat. Thankfully Rosie was asleep and Henry was a good boy because I really had to focus. I was so scared I got a tension headache. I saw two accidents. I even cried as they carried a man from his over turned car. Henry repeated 'Nanny' incessantly.

Going to work on getting Rosie on a schedule...

11 days ago

Thanks for the rocking chairs Nanny!