Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Is three a crowd?

Jen and Lila came over for dinner last night and I convinced Jen to let the kids bathe together! This morning when we got in the shower, Henry said "Lila bath?" and seemed awfully sad when I told him that Lila was at home with her mummy. Lila didnt look overly impressed with the situation!

Washing machine is still broken, but the guy thinks he knows what the problem is (again!). He put it all back together though, so I am a laundry-fool at the moment! I count 8 loads before Im through! Hopefully he will have it fixed next week.

Rosie slept from 730pm until 650am last night (with a little top up at 1030pm). Awesome! Cant really complain that she only naps on me during the day if she sleeps like a trooper at night. I still seem to wake up between 3 and 4am because my chest is sore, so I pump real quick and go back to sleep!

Henry has a huge love of ham. He is choosing to ignore me rather a lot, so he gets dragged around when I tell him to do something and he ignores me, such as come to dinner, or lets get a clean diaper. Because its so warm out he generally runs around naked or in a shirt and just pees in the potty, making life a little easier, until there is a number 2 brewing...

We are loving life!

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