Monday, July 26, 2010

The real world

We have no routine at all, but that's ok. Today we went to the coffee shop in town; Henry was a model child. He ate twice, so I am getting better at breastfeeding in public and not exposing myself to the world, though Danny said he saw boob the second time, so I guess I have to get better. It was really nice to take a hot shower, wash my hair, get dressed into some nice clothes and enter into society. I read my book a little and Danny read his magazine. Henry LOVED the noises and colours and was wide eyed the entire time we were there. Tomorrow we have to make ourselves scarce for a few hours as we found a brown recluse teetering over Henry's bed Saturday and have called out the pest control folks to bomb the house. So perhaps we will go to the coffee shop again tomorrow. I suppose I should eat some lunch before the kid needs to feed again...

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