The last day of fieldwork! I have chosen a small stream for us today, in the hopes that we finish early, as we have to pack up the truck so that it can be left for another month or so and we have to ship a bunch of stuff home. Then its off to Henry Weinharts to meet our boss for dinner. My flight out in the morning is just after 10am and I get in to Memphis around 6pm, I think!
I am so excited to see my dogs, the little cuties! And Im particularly excited to see how much my vegetable garden has grown, or rather how much of it has been destroyed by slugs, rotters. And of course to see what else is blooming around the rest of the garden. Before we left some lilies in the back were getting their flower heads so I hope I have not missed them, I may sulk if I have!
I will leave you with a picture of Harry the Hairless Newt who I found strolling through the woods along the creek bank wednesday!
I'm glad you're coming home, so we can be daily penpals again!! I got your card in the mail yesterday. You are just too sweet!! I can't wait to hear about your garden. I know it must have grown so much in two weeks.