Friday, May 28, 2010
It might just be...
Today for breakfast I have a smoothie that I made with beet greens, blueberries, cranberries, a banana, plain yoghurt and pomegranate juice!
Danny would hate it!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Gifts gifts gifts!
Lisa had made an adorable little cake, which unfortunately I felt the need to eat two pieces of and made myself sick for the rest of the day. I mean, who needs two pieces of cake in one afternoon?

I made funnies about how there was no way something that was going to fit into these baby-grows (onesies) was going to fit inside my belly...

and I received some lovely gifts... babygrows, a book of classic fairy tales, receiving blankets, shampoo, a picture frame, a nappy changing mat... all such wonderful and useful stuff!

Thanks so much guys!
As an aside, my dog brought me a dead baby rabbit into the bedroom this morning at 6am. Lovely bleary eyed start to the day!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Baby Shower
Good afternoon everyone.
Please mark your calendar
And don’t be late
For this very very
Important date.
We are hosting a baby shower
For Lauren Klimetz.
It’s expected to last for
About 60 minutes.
The Date is Set
May 25th at noon
So bring a present and some food
We’ll meet in the Conference Room.
Lions, tigers, and bears,
0h my,
Animals stacked from
The floor to the sky.
The Jungle is their theme,
So animals and such
Can be found where she’s registered
At Target, Amazon* and Baby’s R Us
Do they know what they are having?
Yes, it’s a girl or a boy.
No matter what,
It will be their little pride and joy!
We hope you can come,
We hope you can meet.
Please R.S.V.P
On the sign-up sheet.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
33 week belly pics
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Baby moon is officially over...
Danny complained about our lack of ac and threw in the 'my wife is pregnant and was not happy' and they knocked $110 off our $170 bill! It always pays to ask right! The worst they can do is say no!
The flight home Tuesday was uneventful and practically empty.
We plunged back into real-life with a to-do list the length of a kite string. Very sobering. The biggest problem with 'our' to-do list, is that I cant help with most of it. Its not necessarily the 'helpless' feeling that I mind, its the pressure upon Danny to do it all. Its not like there are any jobs that we can get someone else to do, we just need time I suppose. Its a good job pregnancy has brought an unusual calm over me.
Oh and before anyone tries this remedy, be warned, my broccoli had died by the time I got home. So this age old remedy of spraying broccoli with dish soap that I hear about from everyone, didnt quite work for me; but Im guessing I used to strong a solution and perhaps needed to dilute it more. Other sad vegetable patch news is that deer ate my bean seedlings, though left the tomatoes, thank goodness. The little erhms also mutilated my apple tree, leaving just a few leaves and a single apple. Now I have to erect a fence round the apple tree, which will be an eye-sore in my front yard, but Im not losing a perfectly healthy tree to some flea-ridden deer. They ate some random flowers in my flower bed by the road, but Im less mad about that, just mildly niggled.
To end on a positive garden note, everything else around the garden is looking fantastic. Dont get me wrong, I have some major weeding and up-keep to do, things that need staking and so forth; but for the most part, it looks great out there and it keeps itself. Many of my elephant ears eventually came back from their long hibernation, my hydrangea are all blooming already; some that last year were white are now blue, and some that have never bloomed for me are covered in little flower heads. My spirea are flaunting their pink beauty. Three of my clematis remain in bloom and the stella d'oro day lilies have begun to open. The nicest surprise of all was the opening of the Holly Hocks by the mail box in the deepest shades of pink-purple and the imminent lavender deluge alongside the bright yellow coreopsis. If only I knew someone who would take pretty pictures of it all for me...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Baby moon Part Deux
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Baby moon Part I
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Broccoli saviour
My first Mother's Day
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Busy busy bumble bees!
Saturday was the low key, chilled out wedding of Hannah and Doug, which was nice. Though I really should have put sunscreen on before the wedding and packed more food for myself! I was starving by the end of the day and exhausted. I didnt get nearly enough to eat and passed out pretty quick, though that husband of mine came in from the movies around 1230-1am ish and of course, that was me up for a few hours.
So Sunday I was even more tired and hungry! Went to a fancy extended family brunch and ate my little heart out, of course giving myself that pain under the ribs that signifies that you tried to stuff too much food into an area where there is very little room. Managed to sleep a little on the way home though, and get a few more rows on the blankie completed, which of course, is no where near being finished!
We took Monday off work to get some things done around the house, so that was yet another tiring day. I have to say, Im beginning to feel rather tired at most times. Not bad to be first feeling like this at 32 weeks eh!
In complete contrast to last weeks prenatal class, we went to the epidural class at the hospital tonight. I was in a mood about it because I really didnt want to go, but realise that it is better to be prepared for an unknown situation. But I have felt pretty rough in the tummy today, had a bunch of Braxton Hicks this afternoon and scoffed down my scrambled eggs and Spaghettios on toast, so I was not in a good frame of mind. The contrast in this class, apart from not wanting to go, was that everyone there was freakin' huge! I was no longer the biggest belly in the room. Also, everyone there was country; what does that say about me? No, it does not mean Im country, it means I didnt fit in! So why do professional looking people go to prenatal classes and country looking people go to epidural classes?
Exciting news: we ate the first produce from our garden yesterday! Our snow peas were delicious and I got to pick another handful tonight. The broccoli is coming along too, surprisingly, and the lettuce and spinach is pretty much ready to pick! Salads all round then eh! Sad news: my broccoli is covered in little tiny caterpillars, so I tried spraying it with Method dish liquid, so we shall see how that does. I didnt have the energy to bend over long enough to squish them all.
Super exciting news: Danny is putting together the baby's crib as I type! We put up some of the decals and they are adorable! So excited to put up the rest!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tummy tactics
Many months ago, my friend Meg asked me why pregnant women hold their stomachs. At the time, my answer was that I held my stomach because I wasn’t used to having it yet. But now Im used to it, and I still touch my tummy, so I started to wonder why… There are actually many reasons why I touch my tummy…
If the baby is kicking or wiggling around at an inconvenient time, such as in a meeting or when I am trying to get to sleep, I hold my tummy as this often makes it stop moving.
I touch my tummy when the baby is moving around because I like to feel its movements. Obviously, having read the last comment, you know that this is counter-productive and often stops the baby moving. I also don’t understand this one because I can feel it from the inside, so why do I feel the need to feel it from the outside with my hands too? Who knows.
I tend to touch my tummy when someone asks me how far along I am. I guess that’s sort of a defense response type thing. And please people, stop asking me if its twins, Im seriously not that big! Though I did measure what used to be my waist last night and its now 38 inches in circumference! (a sweet 26 inches just a year ago; a measurement Im sure Ill never see again!)
I touch my tummy for comfort. This may be hard to believe at 31 weeks along, but I often don’t feel pregnant, or at least I don’t feel any different from not being pregnant. So its nice to touch my tummy to be reminded of the fact that Danny and I will have a little family of our own here soon.
I often scratch my tummy or pretend to scratch it in the hopes that mentally this will help me stop itching!
Ive been told that random strangers may come up to you and try to touch your stomach, so holding your belly will then be a protective thing.
Im sure I can think of some other reasons…