Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Shower

Tomorrow is my first ever baby shower! Sad as it may sound, Im super excited! We are having a luncheon with the ladies at work. This was the cute announcement sent out...

Good afternoon everyone.

Please mark your calendar

And don’t be late

For this very very

Important date.

We are hosting a baby shower

For Lauren Klimetz.

It’s expected to last for

About 60 minutes.

The Date is Set

May 25th at noon

So bring a present and some food

We’ll meet in the Conference Room.

Lions, tigers, and bears,

0h my,

Animals stacked from

The floor to the sky.

The Jungle is their theme,

So animals and such

Can be found where she’s registered

At Target, Amazon* and Baby’s R Us

Do they know what they are having?

Yes, it’s a girl or a boy.

No matter what,

It will be their little pride and joy!

We hope you can come,

We hope you can meet.

Please R.S.V.P

On the sign-up sheet.


  1. Why would it be sad? Showers are very exciting, especially your very first one!
