We have made some good progress on the house lately. And by we, I mean Danny, of course. Though I, in turn, have played my part. On Saturday I took Henry to Memphis to Target and Costco so that we were not in the way. Spent $500 for the privilege, oh dear. Got some much needed essentials though such as long sleeved maternity shirts and some track pants for H. Its not chilly here yet, but I think it may start to cool of here soon. When we got back, Danny had unpacked tons of boxes (even though I was told I wasnt allowed!) and things were getting more organised.
We do, in fact, have the correct windows, they just hadnt sent us all of the parts. We now have the internal grids and Danny is making his way round the windows installing them. I have even ordered some beautiful fabric so that I can attempt to make Roman Blinds for our bedroom.
We realised that we gave the painters the wrong colour paint for the kids bedrooms, so I am getting stern looks when I ask if we can have them repainted the correct colour. They are peach. Its great in our room where I wanted it peach and plan on accenting with peach and having crisp white bed sheets. But in the kids rooms I was going to do red or navy blinds and have colourful decals on the walls, which were supposed to be a neutral cream. So either Ill get them painted when he is out of town one week or I will wait and he can do it in December, when he potentially has some time. yeah right. Believe that when I see it.
Closet and dining room doors arrived and were completely the wrong doors, so they got sent back. Ridiculous. I loathe Lowes.
Its shaping up to be a very busy end of the week, after my three days of work, which of course wore me out to no end. Tomorrow we have baby gymnastics, tea with a thousand little ones at the coffee shop where I will be naughty and have my weekly dose of caffeine. I dont want the caffeine, I would actually prefer to be caffeine free pregnant or not, but I just LOVE Chai tea with lots of foamy milk! Then I have my hair cut at noon and Danny and I are going out to celebrate our 6th year wedding anniversary tomorrow night (which is actually Saturday). Its going to be a big deal for me because we are leaving H with a new babysitter, and not only that, but she is going to put him to bed! I am the only person that has ever put him to bed at night, Danny has done a few nights here or there if I was tired, but all me other than that, so we shall see how that goes, for the both of us. Mind you, I left for work this morning before he got up and managed to get through my day, so I should be fine. Im a little worried about Brittany though! At least I will feel like she is earning her $10 an hour!
Friday we have our monthly check up and we get to see the baby on an ultrasound. We can find out the gender if we want, but we are going to find out when it is born. So exciting! I am a little anxious about the doctors visit though because we have to tell Dr. Henderson that we are planning a home birth, but that we would still like him to be our doctor in case of emergency, we shall see how he takes it. I am actually feeling pregnant these days; only 19 weeks! Almost half way and finally I feel pregnant. My belly is huge! Oh, that was the funny thing about Saturday. I havent seen myself naked since we went to Puerto Rico a few months ago as we only have one small mirror in the bathroom above the sink here. So I can see the nasty eczema spreading painfully across my face, but I hadnt seen my belly at all! Trying on clothes at the weekend in the fully mirrored changing room at Target really let me see just how big I was! Definitely pregnant! I dont often complain about anything pregnancy related but Im going to now: today my hips hurt. They really ache. And I am tired of waking up and my rib cage hurting. I know it has to expand but seriously, does it have to ache this much. And the sore, bleeding gums, so over that. Danny finally suggested that I stop cycling for exercise today, though it was my fault really as I told him some idiot almost side-swiped me and three dogs almost got under my wheels (which would make me flip). I may have almost consented to only cycling for transportation, not exercise. Hope those new running shoes fit me well!
Saturday we are going to the Memphis air show and Danny is very excited about it. Should be good fun! Hope H is in a good frame of mind.
We have recently discovered that our little man loves sausages, which is good because I have a hard time getting him to eat meat sometimes. He can walk just fine without help but he only does it when he feels like it. Most of the time he demands to hold your hand or even worse, he pulls on my skirts burying his face into my legs until I pick him up. Lazy-bones.
Got a thousand and one things to do tonight, so why am I still on the internet...
Whiskey Business with Brownies
1 day ago
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