Took a few days off work and got some good clearing achieved in the garden. Bought 7 beautiful bright red azaleas and planted a new bed, which looks just great! But the best thing about the new bed is that I only bought 4 new things for it, $30 total, the rest came from other areas of my garden. Its going to look gorgeous when they all take hold.
Crazy crazy storm all day today. I really enjoyed it though (unusual for me and storms) as I sat in the garage with the door open. Yes, I was messing with my worms again. I tried Danny's suggestion this time, which alas did not work. He suggested sieving the worm waste through a sieve so that only worms were left. Great idea, right. However the castings are too large to go trough the sieve, and in some cases, the worms would make a break for freedom and try and get through the sieve holes themselves. One poor guy couldnt decide which was the safest route so got himself all caught going through one way, then the other until he was looped through about 4 different times. It took a few hours, but I got the bottom tote cleared enough that I could then fit the top tote back in it. So hopefully now the rest of the worms will move up of their own accord. I got a whole bucket of pure beautiful fertilizer that I will be spreading on my greens later on this week.
Its going to be a crazy week. Congratulations party for the new Dr. Ozeron tomorrow night. Softball practice tuesday. Chamber of Commerce meeting thursday and the Veggie potluck friday. The theme is breakfast for dinner, whatever will I make?
Speaking of dinner, tonight we tried something different. Which I thought was delicious, but Danny said it was, different. hmmmmm. Wonder what this boy talk translates into in English. I made gorgeous multi-grain pita breads (happy to supply the recipe to anyone that wants it) that we had served with a range of cheeses (goats cheese, mozzarella and cheddar) proscuitto ham, chopped ham, olives, home made pesto and homemade marinara. Then you got to make your own mini pizzas. I thought it was great because you didnt have to have a whole pizza of the same thing, but Danny said it was...different. Ah well, guess we wont be having that again eh! Live and learn. Id definitely make that delicious pita bread again though!
Ah, its monday again tomorrow. A new week.
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