Henry and I continue to have lots of fun together, though it is apparent why I never feel rested! But I guess you can rest when you are old, right!?
As usual we started out bright and early. The dogs actually surprised me by behaving really well on our walk at the park this morning, I'm sure they were just hot. Oh but no, I skip the first part of my morning... Turn away if you are fed up with poop stories... We began as normal, I greet Henry with a cup of milk which he drinks like he hasn't drunk in weeks. I change his nappy. As we have done on many occasion, and no, this is not the first time this has happened to me, so you would think I would have learned by now, I left him with out a nappy while we go out onto the deck to hang up the nappies from last nights wash. He just loves to help me hang them on the rack, which in itself is adorable. He even loves taking the clean ones out of the washing machine and putting them in the basket almost climbing into the machine to get the ones at the back. In my defense, I think carefree skin time is good for babies bottoms. You guessed it, he did a big squishy poo as he was crawling along, so he walked in it a little too. So I scooped him up and plopped him in the shower and all was fixed in minutes. The best part of it all is, I knew I wouldn't have to clean it up since I figured the dogs would find it and sure enough, when we came back outside there was no poo poo to be seen. Ick.
We played inside a little while then cycled to visit the Ozeren's across town and had a good old play at their house. He fell asleep on the ride home, which is something he hasnt done since he was little. I even left him in the stroller outside of the farmers market when I popped in to buy milk. He woke up briefly when I took him out of the stroller at home but I laid him down in his bed and he was asleep again in minutes. He slept til 2pm so we had a really late lunch! But no one can pass up grilled cheeses and spaghetti hoops now can they!
We cycled to the pool and had a little splash around. He is really into diving into the pool and swimming with his face in the water at the moment, so all the other parents watch in awe as this little baby plunges himself head first into the pool and they can't get their 4 year old to put their face in.
No progress on the walking front, since that's all anyone seems to ask me about. Gees folks, he will walk when he walks! He is really into waving good bye and giving kisses at the moment and was entertained for at least 20 minutes today placing pieces of paper into Papa's dress shoes. I think he would have done it longer except our lunch was ready. He has great dexterity now and can put his Lego together with ease. Oh and he threw the mouse on the floor so I am back to the stupid i-thingy. Ugh.
He loves to skype his Papa and I am really excited to see what he does Friday when he finally comes home. Don't you worry, Papa has been clearly informed that no trips of this length will ever be occurring again. We miss him too much.
No news on the belly front. Still got a wretched stomach with pains that just will not go away. Though Danny did remind me my stomach behaved the same way with Henry. I have talked him into not finding out the gender, so you must all wait in suspense too! And we are taking names for suggestion...
Whiskey Business with Brownies
1 day ago
Loved getting to talk to you on Skype last night! My blog is http://cradysboy.blogspot.com/